Happy Healthy Dogs!

Happy Healthy Dogs!

Unbelievably over a third of all dogs in the United Kingdom are overweight.

It is a sad fact that overweight and obese pets are more at risk of acquiring certain illnesses and diseases.

Problems that may arise are lethargy, arthritis, heart disease, kidney disease, some forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and skeletal diseases. This means that the life expectancy of many dogs maybe dramatically cut short.

So what can we as responsible dog owners do about this? The best place to start is by taking a good look at your dog, their weight and their energy levels. Get an accurate weight for your dog. If you can weigh your pet at home then that’s even easier, however if this is difficult then take a trip to your vets where they will be more than willing to weigh him for you. Some pets shops also having scales available for their customers to use.

Next start to put some positive steps in place.

Firstly let’s talk about diet. Your dog needs to be provided with a healthy nutritious diet, one that meets all their dietary needs. Their diet should contain no added salt or sugars and no cereals or fillers. The amount you feed your dog will depend on what breed he is, how old he is, levels of activity and the environment he lives within. At WolfTucker, all our meals aim to provide balanced nutrition. Our meals are 100% natural with no grains or fillers.

If you have an overweight dog then you will need to address the reasons as to why he is overweight. If you know you have been feeding him an unsuitable diet or you have been over feeding him then you can almost certainly be confident that a change in diet and portion sizes will have an effect and you can begin to make changes. However if you have already been following a healthy eating plan for your dog you may find advice from your vet maybe beneficial to rule out any physical problems.

Wolf Tucker fed dogs enjoy everything that nature has intended for them, it is free from artificial colouring and additives. Highly digestible and extremely palatable, your dog will have all the energy he needs for lots of exercise and fun with his owner!

Once you have thought about your dog’s main diet then think about the little extras he sometimes receives. The titbits from the table, the odd biscuit and a forkful of his owners curry! Not only are these extra treats sometimes full of excess fats, sugars and salt they can also be completely unsuitable for your dog! Your dog will not love you any less for not sharing the last of your chicken chow mien! Then there are the treats that are meant for your dog, feed in moderation, choose lower fat options and keep them for times when your dog knows he has worked for them.

Secondly we need to think about your dog’s exercise regime. Does your dog receive adequate exercise? Does he get a good walk and can he burn off excess calories? Dog’s just like us will store unused calories and gain weight. There are many other activities that may appeal to you and your dog, for instance flyball, agility, coursing and swimming. In fact for some dogs that may have a problem for one reason or another with physical exercise swimming is perfect and there are now many ‘doggy’ swimming pools offering a range of activities. Many offer hydrotherapy, a treatment that benefits many dog’s with skeletal conditions. Obese dogs can improve their condition considerably from this non-weight bearing exercise.

A healthy diet, plenty of exercise and stimulation can give your dog the best start to optimum health, a happy outlook and content life, surely this has to be good!

If you need some further help or advice then please do give us a call or email us.